Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Purpose of this Blog

Hello All, This is my first post to this blog and if your reading this, thank you for taking the time to read it.
The purpose of this blog is rather simple, to attempt and bridge the racial divide that plagues this country. I have definitely seen individuals attempt to "draw sides" as if it's us vs them, and that's not how it should
be. We all should be united as Americans under one banner. So I wish to do my part to try and help bridge this gap. So, how will we achieve this? Well my goal will be to place well thought topics for others to discuss, and gathering the latest news pertaining to racial topics to help educate what truly goes on within our country.

What I ask from the readers is to keep an open mind, stop, listen, sympathize, and try to understand all perspectives. As individuals, not everyone will agree upon the same topics, but as human beings and fellow brothers and sisters, we should at least attempt to understand how we think. I hope that those who stick around will find this blog interesting, and enlightening. Thank you and Take Care!


Anonymous said...


I think your motives are admirable, however I think it is difficult to have a discussion on race relations without being critical of aspects of American society, specifically its cultures. Often criticisms, observations, opinions, etc. are tagged with the r-word (racism and/or racist), which you have forbidden. In fact, I think a reluctance to be critical of other peoples and cultures, as well as being too sensitive about receiving well-meaning, respectful criticisms and opinions, is a major roadblock in good race relations. Of course the trick would then be; which post is written with ill-will and which is a legitimately felt observation, albeit negative in substance?

Hey, I think I just provided you with your first post.

Your Buddy,
Galileo Smith

babybro said...


Yes, I would definitely like thank you for taking the time to post an comment, I really appreciate it. I think you hit the nail here in referring to what I meant by posts tagged with the r-word. The sensitivities of each culture is complex, and with racial repairing being the top goal of this blog, I have to determine which posts can voice concerns without scaring off the audience of a specific ethnic group.

So the key notion would be to determine which posts are ill-willed as you stated, and which posts are concerns by an individual which are honest but not ill-intent.

But what I meant as an absolute no no are specifically posts dedicated towards racial slurs, they absolutely have no tolerance on this blog as I wish to spread the peace, not add to the violence. I once again would like to thank for taking the time to post and I hope you will like it here.